Remote Instruction
Pottsboro ISD realizes that you have a lot of questions and we want to try to answer as many as we can at this time.
Starting next week March 23-27, teachers will communicate directly with families and students with specific information regarding their class and the required lessons for students. It is important for parents and caregivers to monitor this work so that learning is on-going as we wait to re-open schools.
Monday, March 23rd will be the 1st day of E-learning for the district.
Your student’s teacher(s) will communicate with you regarding how to access instruction during the duration of our facilities being closed. For instructional questions, your student should use their district email to communicate with the teacher. Elementary students will now have access to Canvas to access communication with their teacher. Remind will continue to be used throughout this process.
What can parents and students expect of teachers?
Lessons will be posted on Monday Morning.
Teachers will be available during virtual office hours. The virtual office hours are 8:00am – 10:00am and 1:00pm – 3:00pm.
Teachers will monitor student work and provide feedback.
Teachers will respond to student questions in a timely manner.
504 and SPED accommodations will be provided for qualified students.
Grades will be posted in a timely manner to gradebook.
What are expectations of students?
Students have until Monday at 11:00am to submit/complete the work for each of their classes.
Students can complete assignments at any time within the assigned work week.
If students have questions (including technology-related questions), they need to contact their content area teacher first.
Teachers will respond within the virtual office hours each day. The virtual office hours are 8:00am – 10:00am and 1:00pm – 3:00pm. Teachers will actively monitor email and do their best to get back with you each day.
Students will access Canvas through the Pottsboro ISD web page. If they do not know their login, please contact their teacher.
Learning packets will be provided to students that do not have access to the Internet. A box will be provided behind the elementary school for packet drop off or parents/students may take a picture of the completed work and send a picture to their teacher through Remind.
How much will my student be expected to complete?
Amounts of work are largely dependent upon the grade level. A student will not be asked to complete unreasonable amounts of work, and activities should not require initial instruction from parents/guardians or other caretakers. A student may need some assistance just as they would on typical homework. If work becomes overwhelming and time-consuming, please make a note for your student’s teacher and move on to the next activity.
Technical Support - Parents can contact remote@pottsboroisd.org for technical support for district equipment or assistance with the online platform. During regular school hours (8 am - 4 pm), parents or students can call 903-771-2979 for the same support.
Special Services - ARD and 504 meetings will continue as scheduled. Please be aware that these will be handled virtually, not in person. If you need to reschedule, please contact your campus Principal. If your student is receiving special services for 504 or special education, we will be working to meet those needs as we begin our transition to remote learning.
Dyslexia Services – The district will be providing online Lexia for students. Your student’s teacher will be in contact with you about how to access the program, as well as how much time needs to be spent on each activity.